When you buy a ship online, it is possible that the ship is still in draft or design stage and may not be available in-game. If this is the case, CIG will lend you a replacement ship in the meantime.
Below is a loaner ship matrix, which currently includes all ships not available in the Persistent Universe and their respective loaners, as well as complement ships.
There are a few points to note about this list:
The concept of "ship loaners" was introduced to allow players with a game package and a single ship to play when that ship was unavailable. The loaner of each ship is not intended to be a 1:1 "best case substitute" for the ship that is not ready to fly.
A valid game pack is required for loans to be granted to an account.
If a new ship becomes Flight Ready and is a better substitute, the loaner will be updated.
Due to the current restrictions imposed by Arena Commander, some ships have a second loaner allowing them to play in all game modes. Example: Freelancer owners receive a Arrow for use in Arena Commander game modes.
They're not permanent additions to your fleet. Once a ship on this list is ready for flight, the loaner will be replaced by the ship you purchased and removed from this list.
Keep in mind that if you have several concept ships that grant the same loaner you will only receive one loaner for all of them. Example: If you own the Hull B and Hull D, you will only receive one Hull A as the loaner.
Loaners will not stack. You will never receive more than one loaned ship, no matter how many are allocated based on the number of ships in your hangar. Example: Owning four Pioneers will not grant four Caterpillars.
RSI Support cannot swap loaners by request.
Known issues:
All Mole variants encounter various mining user interface problems. For this reason, a Prospector is loaned to all owners of a Mole variant.
Customized 315p models lack the HUD user interface elements, but non-customized 315p models are not affected by this problem. As a result, all 315p owners will receive a second model on loan, so that they can customize one and use the other.